ISO9001-2015 2019 No 14756
ISO9001-2015 2019 No 14756
a) QAS lnternational
Regi stroti o n Ce rtifi cote This document certifies thot the odministrotion systems of Adhesive Dispensing Limited tlnit 55 Alston Drive, Bradwell Abbey, Milton Keynes MKl3 gHB hove been ossessed and opproved by QAS Internotlonol to the followlng management systems, stondords ond guldellnes: tSO 9001 : 201 5 The opproved odministrotion systems opply to the following: Adhesive Dispensing Limited of Milton Keynes, provides provision of fluid handling solutions to manufacturing companies.
29h September 2015 796 October 2019 79h October 2020 c414756
Original Approval Current Certificate Certificate Expiry Certificate Number
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Signed: Gertification Offlcer t
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On behalf of QAS lnternational This cenjlicate remaifis valid while lhe holde. maintaans their adminastration systems in accordance with the standards and guadelines stated above, which will be audited annually by CLAS lnternalronal. The holder is entiUed to display the above registratton mark for lhe duraUon of this certficate, which should be retumed to OAS lntemational upon reasonable request. lssuing Offce: QAS lntematioml, 5 Technology Park, Colindeep Lane, Lordon, tlwg 6BX, UK
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