Adhesive Dispensing Limited Price List File
PRICE LIST - January 2018 Adhesive Dispensing Equipment, Accessories UK Version, All Price in GBP £ Sterling Excludes Vat and carriage
Retainers and caps allow controlled dispensing from the cartridges or when used as a reservoir system to feed materials under pressure to dispense valves. Order complete ratainers with caps of the individual parts. Aluminium or metal retainers are designed to withstand high pressures. This version is supplied with a bench stand for hands free dispensing.
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TS918-2 TS918-6 TS918-8
2.5oz Retainer Kit, 75cc/ 75ml, With Bench Stand 6.0oz Retainer Kit, 177cc/ 177ml, With Bench Stand 8.0oz Retainer Kit, 237cc/ 237ml, With Bench Stand 10.0oz Retainer Kit, 310cc/ 310ml, With Bench Stand
£101.16 £90.60 £90.60 £95.44 £289.52 £91.98 £536.79
TS918-110 AD918-110R
10.0oz Rod Driven Retainer System, 310cc/ 310ml, With Bench Stand
TS918-12 TS918-20
12.0oz Retainer Kit, 355cc/ 355ml, With Bench Stand 20.0oz Retainer Kit, 355cc/ 355ml, With Bench Stand
Retainers and caps allow controlled dispensing from the cartridges or when used as a reservoir system to feed materials under pressure to dispense valves. Order complete ratainers with caps of the individual parts. Aluminium or metal retainers are designed to withstand high pressures. 2.5oz Aluminium Retainer, Air Cap, Hose, Connector, 75cc/ 75ml 6.0oz Aluminium Retainer, Air Cap, Hose, Connector, 177cc/ 177ml 6.0oz Metal Retainer, Air Cap, Hose, Connector, 177cc/ 177ml 8.0oz Aluminium Retainer, Air Cap, Hose, Connector, 237cc/ 237ml 8.0oz Metal Retainer, Air Cap, Hose, Connector, 237cc/ 237ml 10.0oz Aluminium Retainer, Air Cap, Hose, Connector, 310cc/ 310ml 10.0oz Metal Retainer, Air Cap, Hose, Connector, 310cc/ 310ml 10.0oz Metal Retainer, Air Cap, Hose, Connector, 310cc/ 310ml 10.0oz Metal Retainer, Air Cap, Hose, Connector, 310cc/ 310ml 10.0oz Metal Retainer, Air Cap, Hose, Connector, 310cc/ 310ml 10.0oz Rod Driven Retainer, Air Cap, Hose, Connector, 310cc/ 310ml 10.0oz Plastic Retainer, Air Cap, Hose, Connector, 310cc/ 310ml 12.0oz Aluminium Retainer, Air Cap, Hose, Connector, 355cc/ 355ml 12.0oz Metal Retainer, Air Cap, Hose, Connector, 355cc/ 355ml 20.0oz Aluminium Retainer, Air Cap, Hose, Connector, 591cc/ 591ml 32.0oz Aluminium Retainer, Air Cap, Hose, Connector, 960cc/ 960ml 2.5oz Aluminium Retainer Only, Slotted, 75cc/ 75ml 2.5oz Aluminium Retainer Only, Non-Slotted, 75cc/ 75ml 6.0oz Aluminium Retainer Only, Slotted, 177cc/ 177ml 6.0oz Aluminium Retainer Only, Non-Slotted, 177cc/ 177ml 8.0oz Aluminium Retainer Only, Slotted, 237cc/ 237ml 8.0oz Aluminium Retainer Only, Non-Slotted, 237cc/ 237ml 10.0oz Aluminium Retainer Only, Slotted, 310cc/ 310ml 20.0oz Aluminium Retainer Only, Non-Slotted, 591cc/ 591ml Air Cap, Air Hose, For 2.5oz, 6oz, 8oz and 12oz Retainers Only Air Cap, Air Hose, Regulator, For 2.5oz, 6oz, 8oz, 12oz Retainers Only Spare Rubber Gasket for 918-001-004 and 5601377 Air Caps
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TS918-25CS TS918-60CS
£68.51 £63.51 £49.46 £67.95 £52.33 £277.32 £98.47 £277.32 £97.77 £94.66 £254.29 £79.43 £65.11 £59.33 £392.46 £595.87 £24.70 £28.77 £30.74 £31.30 £30.06 £30.06 £105.36 £114.70 £23.03 £144.13 £118.89 £15.99 £232.00 £ 2.57
TS918-110CS ADL-1211M TS918-110CS
100A-R10 110A-10R 580091A
TS918-20CS TS918-32CS
918-030-000 918-044-000 918-031-000 918-045-000 918-034-000 918-046-000
918-000-007 918-000-036
Air Cap, Air Hose, For 10oz and 20oz Retainers Only Spare Rubber Gasket for 918-000-036 Air Cap
101-20A 101-20G
8 ounce Heavy Duty Stand Assembly
Quick Connect Air Hose Fitting 918-001-007 & 918-000-036 Air Caps Quick Connect Air Hose Fitting 918-001-007 & 918-000-036 Air Caps
£ 7.35 £ 7.21
Adhesive Dispensing Limited, 55 Alston Drive, Bradwell Abbey, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK13 9HB, UK Tel. +44 (0) 1908 686660 Fax. +44 (0) 1908 686836 Registered in England 6048283. VAT GB 901 859421
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