Adhesive Dispensing ISO9001 2019
Adhesive Dispensing ISO9001 2019
a) K QAS lnternational
RE G I STRATION C E RTI F ICATE Thts document certifies thot the odministration systems of Adhesive Dispensing Limited 55 Abbey Court, Alston Drive, Bradwell Abbey, Milton Keynes MKl3 gHB hove been ossessed ond opproyed by QAS lnternotionol to the following monogement systems, stondords ond guidelines: tSO 9001 : 2015 The opproved odministrotion systems opply to the following: Adhesive Dispensing Limited based in Milton Keynes, provides provision of fluid handling solutions to manufacturing companies.
Original Approval Current Certificate Certificate Expiry Certificate Number
29th September 2015 lgth October 2018 lgth October 2019 c414756
Si gned : Certifi cation Officer
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On behalf of OAS lnte
This certificate remains valid while the holder maintains their administration systems in accordance with the standards and guidelines stated above, rvhich will be audited annually by QAS lnternational. The holder is entitled to display the above registration mark for the duration ofthis certificate, which should be returned to QAS lnternauonal upon reasonable request. lssuing Office: OAS lntemational,20A Oxford Street, Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 gAX, UK
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