ADQHP10-KIT Manual 10cc Plunger Rod with Kit
ADQHP10-KIT Manual 10cc Plunger Rod with Kit
Product Sheet
Part Code ADQHP10-KIT
Manual hand plungers have been designed to offer users a clean,
Wide Push Top
comfortable alternative and improvement to conventional squeeze
bottles and hypodermic syringes. The ergonomic, and safety con-
scious design of the new syringe dispensers enables consistent fa-
tigue free dispensing, and ensures that no potentially harmful adhe-
sives or sealants will contact the users skin.
A portable and lightweight reusable hand syringe applicator for apply-
ing most pastes, gels, fluxes, adhesives and greases. Works with our
Rigid Rod Design
10cc industrial grade barrels and wiper pistons. When a small spot of
grease is required to a motor assembly, or repair work, prototypes,
etc., the dispenser is ideal. Simple barrel attachment and comfortable
in the hand.
The basic plunger supplied will also include (30) 10cc barrel, (30) 10cc
piston, (30) barrel end cap seal, (30) barrel tip cap seal and (50) as-
sorted precision dispensing tips.
For Syringe Size:
10cc or 10ml
Pushes into syringe barrel piston
Top Width:
This product is also available as plunger rod only. Order part code
ADQHP10. All manual hand plunger rods are designed to be reusa-
ble. For dispensing very high viscosity materials by hand, please
consider our TS9150 air-powered bench dispenser.
Adhesive Dispensing Limited
55 Alston Drive, Bradwell Abbey
Milton Keynes, MK13 9HB
United Kingdom
The data, informaƟon and values contained in this Technical Data Sheet have been obtained by specific tests conducted in a controlled environment, and should be used for guidance purposes only.
Although we believe them to be reliable and accurate, users should always conduct their own tests in their specific working condiƟons to ensure that the product is suitable and effecƟve for use. It is
the user’s sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the product for the applicaƟon. Adhesive Dispensing Ltd cannot be held responsible for the results of procedures undertaken elsewhere, nor
for the safeguarding of personnel or property, all of which is the duty of the user. Suitability of products or methods is discreƟonary. Therefore, warrantees or implied usage obligaƟons should not be
aƩributed to, and are not the responsibility of, Adhesive Dispensing Ltd. Adhesive Dispensing Ltd are not liable for any financial loss or other damages incurred by the user as a result of the use of this
product. Product dimensions and design are approximate and could be subject to change, without noƟce. Tel. +44 (0) 1908 686660
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